Best Practice Program
Are you stuck?
Is finding clients difficult for you?
Are you a counsellor not sure where to start?
Is your practice struggling to get up off the ground?
Do you desire to be a respected member of a respected profession?
Do you have a vision of a thriving practice but just can’t seem to get there?
Do you wonder what your professional journey will look like and where it will end?
I know your pain!
What if I could give you a step by step guided tour from the conception of your practice through to the ultimate sale of your practice?
I have walked this path, started a practice, found clients, built my business and, yes, eventually sold it to enable me to move onto teaching others.
The Program
Daily Access
Forever Access
Once you join the program you will enjoy live access through our interactive Facebook closed group.
Exclusively for our members this group allows access through our regular weekly events and on an as needed basis.
Personal Development
We look at what is required to be in the best personal frame of mind to work an ethical practice. We explore preparation of the self to optimise performance as a counsellor and practice owner and how to maintain this throughout your career.
Your Practice Mapped out
Our pro-forma Practice Plan and Companion Guide will lead you to a document for your vision, a manual for your working day, week, year and life.
Best Practice Program uncovers and promotes the three essential ingredients for improved professionalism in Counselling.
The Best Practice program is for you if:
You want to run a successful counselling practice
You want to explore personal development for a successful and long counselling career
You want to be a part of a professional community
You value the building of an asset that could be the nest egg for your retirement
We invite you to be a part of this forward thinking group, to develop both yourself and a practice that succeeds and endures. Become a part of our counselling community working towards the development of our profession
The Package
Best You Package
Best Practice Plan
Companion Guide
Weekly resources
Weekly coaching for a lifetime
valued at
valued at
valued at
valued at
valued at
YOU PAY: $400
To apply, please fill out the form below:
Years of Experience
In 100 words or less tell me about yourself and what you hope to gain from joining the Best Practice Program.